Image Ratio Changer - Crop and Resize Photos Online is an online tool that lets you crop and resize photos quickly and easily, without having to use complicated photo editing software.

3schools Web Tools

Image Ratio Changer | Crop and Resize Photos Online

Image Ratio Changer - Crop and Resize Photos Online is an online tool that lets you crop and resize photos quickly and easily, without having to use complicated photo editing software.

Are you looking for an easy way to change the image ratio of your photos? Or maybe you're just trying to crop and resize a photo online without having to download any software or apps.

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Well, look no further! Our tool makes it simple and straightforward for anyone – even beginners – to quickly change the image ratio of their photos in no time.

How to change aspect ratio of images.

It's easy to get started: just upload an image of any size or format onto our platform.

You'll then have access to various ratios like 1:1 (square), 4:3 (landscape) or 9:16 (portrait). Simply choose one that works best for you before adjusting the size accordingly by dragging its corners until satisfied with how it looks on screen.

Image Ratio Changer - Crop and Resize Photos Online

The live preview feature shows information such as width/height measurements so that you know exactly what kind of output is being produced at all times while making adjustments.