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Apu May 15, 2023 › #Blogger #WebTools

100% Free Privacy Policy Generator - App, WordPress, Blogger

Three (3) steps to generate a Privacy Policy page for your Blogger Or WordPress blog:

  1. Fill out the required fields for your Website Name, Website URL, email address, and contact us page link below.
  2. Click on the "Generate Privacy" button.
  3. After the Privacy Policy is generated, copy the HTML code provided for your website.

How to Add a Privacy Policy to Blogger?#

To add a privacy policy to your Blogger account, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Blogger account and navigate to your dashboard.
  2. On the left-hand side, click on "Pages" and then click "New Page" to create a new page.
  3. Give your page a title, such as "Privacy Policy".
  4. Copy and paste the text of your privacy policy into the text box.
  5. Once you are satisfied with the information you have added, click "Publish" to make the page live on your blog.
100% Free Privacy Policy Generator - App, WordPress, Blogger

Is it necessary for bloggers to have a privacy policy?#

Generally, yes. If a blogger includes features like a subscription option, collects user emails, or gathers any visitor information, having a privacy policy is necessary.

Is a privacy policy mandatory for Google AdSense approval?#

Indeed, Google AdSense necessitates the presence of a privacy policy on a website in order to be approved for use with their advertising program.

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