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Apu April 15, 2024 . #HowTo . #Javascript

Remove all the child elements of a DOM node in JavaScript

I'm working on a web project where I need to remove all the child elements of a specific DOM node using JavaScript. Can anyone guide me on how to accomplish this task?

<div id="container">
  <p>This is the first paragraph.</p>
  <p>This is the second paragraph.</p>
  <p>This is the third paragraph.</p>
<button onclick="removeChildElements()">Remove All Child Elements</button>
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3 Answers
  1. Using innerHTML:
    One simple approach is to set the innerHTML property of the container element to an empty string. This effectively removes all the child elements inside the container.
    functionremoveChildElements() {
    var container = document.getElementById('container');
        container.innerHTML = '';

    This code snippet clears out all the HTML content within the container div when the button is clicked.
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  2. Looping through child nodes:
    You can loop through each child node of the container and remove them one by one.
    functionremoveChildElements() {
    var container =
        while (container.firstChild) {

    This code iterates over each child node of the container div and removes them until no child nodes remain. It's a more explicit way of removing child elements.
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  3. Using removeChild() method:
    Another approach involves using the removeChild() method in a loop to remove each child node.
    functionremoveChildElements() {
    var container =
    var child = container.lastElementChild;
        while (child) {
            child = container.lastElementChild;
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