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Apu April 12, 2024 . #HowTo . #Javascript

How can I remove a child node in HTML using JavaScript?

I'm trying to manipulate the DOM in my web project, and I need to remove a specific child node from an HTML element using JavaScript.

Can someone guide me on how to do this? Here's the code snippet I'm working with:

<div id="parent">
  <p>First child</p>
  <p>Second child</p>
  <p>Third child</p>

And here's what I've tried so far in my JavaScript.

 const parent = document.getElementById("parent");
 const childToRemove = parent.querySelector("p:nth-child(2)");

However, it's not working as expected. Can anyone provide a solution with an explanation of the code?

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6 Answers
  1. <script>
    const parent = document.getElementById("parent");
    const childToRemove = parent.querySelector("p:nth-child(2)");
    if (childToRemove) {

    First, we retrieve the parent element using getElementById. Then, we use querySelector to select the second <p> element within the parent. We check if the childToRemove exists to avoid errors, then remove it using removeChild if it's found.
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  2. <script>
    const parent = document.getElementById("parent");
    const childToRemove = parent.children[1];

    We access the children of the parent element using the children property, which returns a collection of all child elements. Since arrays are zero-indexed, children[1] refers to the second child element. We then remove this child from the parent using removeChild.
    • <script>
      const parent = document.getElementById("parent");
      const childToRemove = parent.children[1];
      if (childToRemove) {

      Here, we first ensure that childToRemove exists before attempting to remove it from the parent element. This prevents errors in case the specified child doesn't exist.
    • Instead of using parent.removeChild, we can directly call the remove() method on the child node itself. This achieves the same result of removing the child node from its parent.
      const parent = document.getElementById("parent");
      const childToRemove = parent.children[1];
      if (childToRemove) {
    • You can directly remove the second child node of the parent element without assigning it to a separate variable. This reduces the code's verbosity while achieving the same outcome.
      const parent = document.getElementById("parent");
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  3. The following approach converts the HTMLCollection of child elements into an array using Array.from(), allowing us to use array methods like forEach. We iterate over each child element and check if its textContent matches "Second child". If it does, we remove it from the parent.
    const parent = document.getElementById("parent");
      Array.from(parent.children).forEach(child =>{
    if (child.textContent === "Second child") {
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