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Apu September 04, 2022 . #Element . #HowTo

How to trigger click event without clicking in Javascript

If you want to trigger click event without clicking a button manually, then you should use the click() method in Javascript.

Example : click button on page load dynamically.
<button onclick="alert('I am clicked')" id="my-btn">
 Don't click me
 const myBtn = document.getElementById('my-btn')
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For that we will create a button with an id my-btn. So that, we can select the button using the getElementById() method.

<button id="my-btn">Don't click me</button>

We will also assign the alert() method to the onclick attribute. So that, same text can be alert whenever the button will be clicked.

<button onclick="alert('I am clicked')" id="my-btn">
   Don't click me

Now inside the <script> tag , select the created button element using the getElementById() method and store in a variable.

 const myBtn = document.getElementById('my-btn');

Finally, add the click() method.

<button onclick="alert('I am clicked')" id="my-btn">
 Don't click me
 const myBtn = document.getElementById('my-btn')
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10 Answers
  1. There are a few ways to trigger a click event programmatically in JavaScript. One common approach is by using the dispatchEvent method. Here's an example:
    <button id="myButton" onclick="alert('Hello World')">Click Me</button>
    const element = document.getElementById('myButton');
    const event = new Event('click');
    • That's interesting! So, dispatchEvent allows us to simulate a click event on an element. Does it work with any HTML element?
    • Yes, dispatchEvent can be used with any HTML element that supports the click event. Just make sure you have a reference to the element you want to trigger the event on. In the example above, we used getElementById() to retrieve the element with the ID 'myButton', but you can use other methods like querySelector() as well.
    • Another approach to trigger a click event programmatically is by calling the element's click method directly. Here's an example:

      const element = document.getElementById('myButton');;
    • That seems simpler! So, calling the click method on an element triggers the click event associated with it?
    • Exactly! The click() method is designed to simulate a user clicking on the element, and it will trigger any click event listeners attached to it.
    • It's worth noting that some elements, like buttons and links, naturally trigger a click event when clicked by the user. So, calling click method on these elements will not only trigger the event but also perform their default actions, like submitting a form or navigating to a URL.
    • That's good to know. What if I want to pass additional data or properties along with the click event?
    • You can provide additional information by creating a CustomEvent instead of a regular Event. The CustomEvent constructor allows you to pass data using the detail property. Here's an example:
      const element = document.getElementById('myButton');
      const event = new CustomEvent('click', { detail:{ key: 'value' }});

    • That's correct. In this example, the detail property is an object that can contain any additional data you want to pass along with the event. You can access this data in your event listener using the event.detail property.
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